25th of A.X.I.S. (2024)
AXIS - vocals; DEV, PHIL, FRA-C - guitar; TARELLO, MANUEL - Drums; MAX, AXIS - baxx
The Wrinkles on the Heart - Fake Like the Moon Landing - No Country for Old Men - Luxury Hands (Radio Edit) - Phil Be Good - School is an Invitation to Suicide - The Reign of the Rain - Mad Season - A Fire in the Sky (DEMO) - For Those Deep Eyes - Mindkiller - Mental Traps - Born in Olympus - River of Innocence (Radio Edit) - The Things You don't Say (feat. Fungo Zio) - Meat is Murder (feat. Mikol Frachey) - The Man in the Cabin in the Woods - Injustice's Kingdom - U - Hereafter
Artistic Producer: Axis; XEX Records

River of Innocence (2024)
Axis - vocals
DEV - guitar
Tarello - Drums
Max - baxx
River of Innocence (Radio Edit) - Luxury Hands (Radio Edit)
Artistic Producer: Momo Riva
XEX Records

Mental Traps (2024)
Axis - vocals
DEV - guitar
Tarello - Drums
Max - baxx
Mental Traps - Bitter Sweet Symphony
Artistic Producer: Momo Riva
XEX Records

The Wrinkles on the Heart (2024)
Axis - vocals
DEV - guitar
Tarello - Drums
Max - baxx
The Wrinkles on the Heart - Phil Be Good
Artistic Producer: Momo Riva
XEX Records

A New Religion (2023)
Axis - vocals, baxx
DEV - guitar
Tarello - Drums
Meat is Murder (feat. Mikol Frachey) - School is an Invitation to Suicide - Fake Like the Moon Landing - No Country for Old Men - The Reign of the Rain - The Man in the Cabin in the Woods - For Those Deep Eyes - The Things You don't Say (feat. Fungo Zio) - A Fire in the Sky (DEMO)
Artistic Producer: Francesco-C
XEX Records

Fake Like the Moon Landing (2023)
Axis - vocals, baxx
DEV - guitar
Tarello - Drums
Fake Like the Moon Landing - The Things You don't Say
Artistic Producer: Francesco-C
XEX Records

The Man in the Cabin in the Woods (2023)
Axis - vocals, baxx
DEV - guitar
Tarello - Drums
The Man in The Cabin in the Woods - No Country for Old Men
Artistic Producer: Francesco-C
XEX Records

School is an Invitation to Suicide (2022)
Axis - vocals, baxx
DEV - guitar
Tarello - Drums
School is an Invitation to Suicide - For Those Deep Eyes
Artistic Producer: Francesco-C
XEX Records

The Dark Side (2001)
Axis - vocals, baxx
Phil - guitar
Manuel - Drums
Mindkiller - Born in Olympus - Mad Season - Fuck and go Away (live) - U - Stargazer - Prayer - Luxury Hands - Lie to me - (Ghost Track: No More Tears)
XEX Records

lovenoisechild (2000)
Axis - vocals, baxx
Francesco-C - guitar
Manuel - Drums
Enter Axis - Mindfields - River of Innocence - Christmas' Day - I Wanna be yo Daddy (live) - Sandeman - Injustice's Kingdom - Mary Jane - Exit Axis
XEX Records
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